Monday, June 13, 2011

Great things about being blind. Nice working dogs conversation.

The other day after our yoga class for blind people, three of us were at the nearby coffee shop having beverages and snakcs.  Yes, and our three guide dogs were there too all quietly lying under our table as we talked.  A gentleman approached and said what a pleasure it was to see such happy, well-behaved, well-taken-care-of, working dogs.
He said that he is a dog trainer and trains dogs for himself and others and that his dogs love working.
He talked about how much dogs love to have jobs to do and what great workers they are in all kinds of areas.
It was such a refreshing conversation.
Many people think guide dogs are sad and hate what they do or never get a chance to play and relax.
If a guide dog shows you they really don't want to work, then they retire.
This happened with my second guide.
She gave me clear signals.
She did not want to get on the bus.
She did not want to walk past construction zones.
She did not want to cross certain streets.
When I picked up her harness, she did not come to get into it.
So, believe me.
My dog likes her job and her life.
She is busy, active, and experiences many interesting things.
She also gets to play, sleep, eat, and relax.
Thanks to that man wherever you are for a great conversation and your understanding.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog. It uplifts me each day and helps me see the positive!


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