Monday, January 31, 2011
Great things about being blind. adapting and thinking outside the box
About five years ago now, I fell on an icy patch and hurt my knee quite badly. I could hardly walk and I had always walked far and fast.
I learned to use a support cane in my right hand and walk with my guide dog at my left side.
She adapted beautifully too. Slowing down her pace. Stopping at uneven terrain. Not minding the cane I held in my other hand. She would stand in front of me and let me lean my hands on her back to steady myself. She would find ramps instead of stairs. I marveled at her. People asked how I had taught her to do those things. I hadn't. She just adapted. Things did not get better with me. They got worse. I began to have pain in my ankles and feet. Pain in my hands and wrists. It turned out, I had and have rheumatoid arthritis. Once I knew what it was, I was very sad and outraged. What, I already have a disability? Well, yes but that doesn't mean we can't get and adapt to others. Once I got medical help and some tips and tricks, I started using my mind to adapt to this too. I haven't had a bad flare up since the initial one. Still, when I am very tired, stressed, or in certain weather conditions, my joints can bother me and I can't hike on very uneven terrain anymore. But, as I started to work my way back to more activity, I had to think about how to adapt things. One hand and wrist were sore. It was the hand I held my guide dog's harness in and it was hard to grip. I asked the occupational therapist if she could bulk up the handle for me. We put some thick foam around it so it was easier for me to hold. Gia still stopped at uneven surfaces and Tulia has picked this up too. I need to go down stairs slowly one step at a time. Both dogs adapted to this. I don't usually use a support cane anymore but know I could if I need to again. When I first started using it, one of my friends said, "Oh you don't want to use one of those canes do you? People will stare at you." And I said, "And you don't think they stare at me now?" Smile. When I went back to get Gia's successor (Tulia) I said I needed a calm dog that was easy to handle, adaptable, able to walk for ages or stay inside, not a hard puller. I got it all. I ride my stationary bike about an hour per day, walk a lot, am back to swimming (I was a competitive swimmer once) and do much of what I did before the arthritis. I do need to pace myself though. I'm grateful to my blindness for teaching me how to adapt when needed and not to give up.
I am currently the secretary of an alumni chapter at my guide dog school (guide dogs for the blind)
The chapter is called guide dog handlers all ways and is for graduates who have additional disabilities besides blindness.
If anyone wants to find out more about this, e-mail me at
Sunday, January 30, 2011
So thankful for you all
I love doing this so much. It is not a chore yet. It is a great pleasure.
Great things about being blind. My story of money identification
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Great things about being blind. The novelty of braille.
and from and although I am adicted to podcasts from
selected shorts from PRI
the tobolowsky files,
the newyorker fiction podcasts,
I am especially fond of the Ouch podcast on bbc about people with disabilities
I love to read braille and to write with braille.
When I am creating a story to tell or an article, I like to edit and write using braille when possible.
I have a braille notetaker but would dearly love a braille display for my computer all the time so I can read everything in braille.
They are very expensive though.
But in the beginning, we had huge bulky braille books.
One book could be from six to twenty fat volumes of braille.
When traveling to and from school for the blind, or on vacation, I carried heaps of books.
When finishing highschool in my home community, I didn't have a locker. I had a storage cupboard filled with books.
Many of my friends have wanted to learn braille and some have done so. I am always touched when they hand-braille a card for me.
One time in University, all of my residence floor mates had those little message boards outside their room doors. They used to leave notes for each other. "Are you going to dinner at 5?" Etc. I complained jokingly that I never got any messages. I went off to study and when I returned, found a piece of paper taped to my door. It had bumps on it. But they didn't seem like braille. Not having a brailler to use or even slate and stylus, they had punched holes with a pin and used a ruler or something I don't know.
I couldn't read it. They said, "You'd better figure it out. It took us hours to do." I tried my best.
Another friend once borrowed a brailler and brailled me a short story for christmas.
It took him many hours.
I read it in about five minutes and said, "That was a good story."
"you're done already?"
I appreciated the time consuming effort it took.
My mom learned braille when I did and put notes for me on the fridge, wrote me notes from Santa, the easter bunny (I never figured out how a rabbit could actually hop around on those brailler keys) and even the tooth fairy.
I am touched when I am handed braille business cards.
I hope all young children who are blind will always learn braille.
I hope that braille displays come down in price so everyone who wants one can have one.
I love braille.
Thanks Louis Braille for your wonderful invention.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Great things about being blind. Learning to skate
My dad had grown up on the prairies.
They had had a back yard rink and he played hockey with his friends all of the time.
When I stood at the side of the outdoor rink, I could hear people wizzing by on skates.
I liked the sound of those skates.
The blades cutting into ice. The rhythmic squeaking and swishing and crunching of those skates.
I listened to the sounds of skating at about age five or six and said to myself that I would love to do that. I also felt these furry pom poms with bells on them and wanted some of those for my skates. I pictured myself with the pom pom bells ringing out like faery bells.The smooth ice under my skates. I had touched the ice with my hands.
Smooth and cold like the glass in the window on a winter morning.
I wanted to do that.
I asked my parents.
Sure I could learn to skate they said.
They took me to the rink.
The ice felt slippery under my skates.
I fell on the hard ice.
I got up. I tottered along.
I liked the sound of my skates.
Click click click like a lady in high heeled shoes.
But it didn’t sound like other skaters.
Click click like horse’s hooves.
“You’re not really skating,” my brother said, “You’re walking in your skates. You need to slide your feet.”
I decided that what I needed first was some of those furry pom poms with the bells on them.
I asked for some and we got them.
I tied them on my skates.
This was even better.
As I tottered around the rink on my skates, the tap tap of my skates rang out and the bells rang and I imagined I was in a faery carriage with wonderful horses and a lovely faery queen who was taking me to her castle filled with magical things.
Chocolate fountains.
Rooms filled with magical stuffed animal toys that talked.
Gardens with flowers that smelled wonderful.
I followed the boards of the ice rink with one hand. And I dreamed as I heard my skates tapping and ringing.
“isn’t this great. Don’t you love my skating.” I said to my family.
They said I was doing well but was really only walking on skates.
But, I didn’t care. I loved the sound of my skates tap tapping and the bells ringing.After a while though, I realized that the people skating around me didn't sound like I sounded. I decided I should learn to really skate. But I wanted to skate on the canal and really skate on it.
I asked if we could go.
“The canal can be a little bumpier than the rink,” my dad said, “the ice isn’t as good sometimes and people can fall down more. But if you’re careful, it should be fine to go.”
My brother said that I had to learn to skate better first and he took me to the rink again.
Before he did that, he told me to slide on the kitchen floor in my sock feet.
I liked doing this.
“Now do more of that when you skate,” he said.
We practiced.
I tried to slide more with my feet.
I went a little faster.
I still did a lot of tap tap tapping in my skates but there were some swishing and creeking noises too.
Maybe, I was starting to slide.
The next weekend, mom and dad took us to the canal.
It was cold there.
It was freezing.
The cold wind blew in my face.
But I loved to hear the sounds around me.
People laughing and talking.
The sound of sleds being pulled along the canal.
A swish swish swish of the sled.
The sounds of skates.
Of people stopping fast.
Different rhythms of skating.
The smell of hot chocolate.
The cold night air.
The sounds of music.
My dad tightened my skates for me as we sat on the snowbank.
It was cold taking off your nice warm boots and putting your feet into those icy skates.
I couldn’t tighten mine enough but dad was good at it.
My parents took a double mittened hand each and we set off along the canal.
I was surprised when my feet first touched the ice.
It wasn’t smooth like the window or the glass of the mirror when I touched it.
It felt bumpy under my feet.
It made my teeth bang together and my body shake a little.
It reminded me of touching the rough bumpy wall of our house or a particularly gravely road.
But I still loved it.
My parents were good skaters and I held on tight and we skimmed along the ice.
Looking back, I probably didn’t do all that much work.
I tried to slide and to sound like their skates sounded.
But I also tap tapped and rang my pom pom bells.
And dreamed that I was in a grand carriage sweeping along the canal to the magic palace where hot chocolate flowed from the chocolate fountain.
I loved listening to all sounds around me and feeling myself held up by my parents and skimming along. I was so proud of that first canal skate. I've skated on the canal many many times since. Sighted people are sometimes surprised that blind people participate in sports. Sports and recreation has always formed a big part of my life. At this time of year, as winterlude approaches here, I think back about learning to skate and am grateful to my family who took the time and had the patience to show me how.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Story about Tulia and I on the guide dogs blog
I just want to put in a good word for my guide dog school.
All guide dog schools do wonderful work and it is a matter of preference as to which schools we choose.
I got my first guide dog from Guide Dogs for the Blind in 1992. At that time, I went to the campus in San Rafael California. I have returned to guide dogs three more times. All of those three times have been at their campus in Oregon. Thanks to guide dogs for all that you do.
Check out their web site at
Here is the story about Tulia and I.
Great things about being blind. Confusion with guide dog names.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Great things about being blind. The audeo book experience.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
From my sighted friends. Great things about having a friend who is blind.
Great things about having friends who are blind:
They are great at driving bumper cars
They come over and don't care how messy your house or car is
They don't say you've put on a few pounds
They don't critique what you are wearing
They can read to you in the dark while camping or when they are your babysitter
They give you great insights into things
As a writer, they give you practice in describing things
They get you in free to museums, movies, plays sometimes
They allow you to have a dog fix whenever you're with them but you can only pat the dog when given permission of course
You can tell them you look like a stunning model and they believe you.
They can help you out enormously when the power goes off.
They always have interesting adventures
They don't judge you by how you look
One friend said the best thing about having a blind friend is that that friend is you. Thanks for that.
Fun and interesting topic.
Keep any thoughts coming.
I'm starting to think through great things about having friends who are sighted.
It is a freezing cold day here. Thinking about all of my friends keeps me warmer.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Great things about being blind. Air travel. The pilot story.
On another note, I'm still collecting tales for what is awesome about having a friend who is blind. Come on sighted folks. Be creative!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Great things about being blind. All of my friends
The other day, I wrote a blog post about the fact that one of my sighted friends wrote me an e-mail about the amazing things about having a friend who is blind. I loved that e-mail and am still collecting comments on it and will post them in this blog in the coming days. I started thinking a lot about my friends though and want to make the following observations. I am glad there are amazing things about having friends who are blind. I've been totally blind since birth and blindness is definitely a part of who I am. Sometimes I wonder, if I hadn't been born blind, what career might I have chosen? Would I have been scared to interact with blind people? It is pretty interesting to think about and wonder about from time to time. Blindness, I am certain, has helped to make me the person I am. But, it is not the only thing that has. I am a woman. I am short. I am a storyteller and music therapist. I am a generally happy person. My sighted friends and relatives become embarrassed when they forget I am blind. If I ask how to lock their car door and they say, "Push down on the red button." If they hand me a photograph to check out. If they say, "Wow look at that!" They often apologize profusely afterwards. But, I am glad when people forget. It means that my blindness is not the thing that is always in their heads when they are with me. They are thinking of me not just as, "That blind girl." But as their friend. There is such a fine balance here. I don't mind answering questions. I don't mind the curiosity of the sighted. But I don't like to be the object of pity or as if I am a project to be taken on. One time in school, a girl asked if she could walk with me to class. We talked as we walked along. I could have found class by myself. I usually did. "You're at class now Kim," she said. I felt glad that she wanted to chat with me. As she turned away, I heard her say to her friend. "There. I just did my good deed for the day." I was shocked. Had I asked her to help me find class? No. I thought maybe we were becoming friends.
Sometimes, I like to be known as the blind girl by those who can't remember names.
There was a gentleman with Alzheimer's disease who lived in a nursing home where I worked. He loved music and had played instruments all of his life. He had no memory for names. I was the Music Therapist there and he would come looking for me. I didn't have a guide dog then or I probably would have been known as, "The girl with the dog." But I have one eye that is open and I can see a little bit out of that eye. The other eye is smaller and partly closed. I tried having an artificial shell in there but it bugged me a lot. Anyway, he used to say, "Where's old one eye? I want to see old one eye." I loved that. I knew that meant that he really was looking for me. Some staff used to get mad at him for calling me that but I loved it and it made me smile every time he said it. I love all of my friends because they are my friends and I hope that I am an equally good friend to them who happens to be blind.
Kim Kilpatrick
Storyteller, Presenter, Performer
Check out my web site and blog at
I am proud to be a MASC artist.
Check out MASC and my profile at
New blog about amazing things about being blind
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Great things about being blind. The squeaking of Tulia's boots
Today was freezing in Ottawa and I do mean freezing. Around 30 something below. I wasn't sure if Tulia would go to the airport and jump on a plane to Oregon and Washington state where it is warmer and where she grew up and had her guide dog training.
I was teaching a storytelling workshop today.
In the winters here when it is bitterly cold, it takes person and dog much longer to get ready.
The person has to find coat, boots, hat, mittens or gloves, scarf. And blind people hate mittens or gloves as they act as blindfolds. Hoods or hats can be problematic too as they inhibit hearing and the echo location or facial vision that I use to figure out what is around me. But, when it is this cold, I do what I must do. Then on with Tulia's little red ruffwear boots and her red coat, and off we go. It was a very sunny, bright, quiet morning. Not much traffic. This is nice in one way as it is peaceful outside. The snow squeaks underfoot. But in another way, it is awful. No traffic means that you can't tell when to cross streets and have to stand at the corners in the bitter cold waiting to hear when it is safe to cross. But we arrived ssafely and tulia found our destination. When we entered the quiet building, the rubber soles of tulia's dog boots squeaked like little mice on the tiled floor. It was the most amazing, hillarious sound. Squeak-squeak! Squeak-squeak! Like a herd of mice at a meeting. What is a group of mice called anyway? The workshop was awesome and my wonderful friends gave us a lift home in their warm car.
I'm home now with two well fed dogs sleeping by my feet.
What can be better than that?
Kim Kilpatrick
Storyteller, Presenter, Performer
Check out my web site and blog at
I am proud to be a MASC artist.
Check out MASC and my profile at
New blog about amazing things about being blind
Friday, January 21, 2011
Great things about being blind. Interesting feedback.
Will publish them in a few days all compiled and with names removed of course. I also want to ask my blind friends to say great things about having friends who are sighted. Also, for blind people, what are the great things about having friends who are also blind. My friends are so amazing. Blind, sighted, all nationalities, abilities, etc. I am so lucky.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Great things about being blind. Listening to dogs eat and drink.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
A blog of possible interest
I am a presenter for a program called All abilities Welcome which is run by the Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a disability. Several people (including me) write for the blog which talks about active living if you have a disability.
To find it go to
Kim Kilpatrick
Storyteller, Presenter, Performer
Check out my web site and blog at
I am proud to be a MASC artist.
Check out MASC and my profile at
New blog about amazing things about being blind
Great things about being blind. Train travel continued. Seat assignments
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Great things about being blind. Sighted people who naturally know the right things to do.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Great things about being blind. Air travel continued. Going through security
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Great things about being blind. air travel adventures 1.
When we boarded, I dutifully showed both passes to the flight attendent and again there was hysterical laughter. That adventure took place with my first guide dog Gwenny. When Gwenny died of cancer, I made a special box of things for her. She died suddenly while still working. I put in a favourite, bone, toy, collar, and a few other things. One of those things was the sign from the plane. Any guesses as to what it said? Wait for it. It said, "OVERSIZED CABBIN BAGGAGE."
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Great things about being blind. Sometimes flying first class.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Great things about being blind. Listening to dog tails wagging
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Great things about being blind. Listening to dogs walk in their boots.
But she also has purple balloon boots called pawz which she wears too.
Her red boots are ruffwear and they are very good as well.
I don't hear it so much with the pawz boots but with the ruffwear boots, I love to hear her walk in them.
Sometimes she sounds like someone shuffling their feet in bedroom slippers.
Sometimes her feet make a little pat pat pat noise on the ground.
I love the sound of it.
And yes yesterday I did the usual.
Get to a corner or somewhere to stop, pull off one glove, lean down, feel each leg to make sure boot is in place, give kibble reward to the dog, put glove on, and proceed forwards.
I've wished that someone could invent something like those strings for mittens moms used to put in our coats so even if the dog loses a boot, she doesn't. It's very cold today. You may see us. Tulia prancing and tapping and shuffling. Me, gloves off, check boots, offer kibble, gloves on. If you do see me, you could save me a little coldness by telling me Tulia still is wearing all four boots. My hands will thank you.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Great things about being blind. Listening to voices.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Great things about being blind. Flying on planes
Monday, January 10, 2011
Great things about being blind seeing the moon
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Great things about being blind
One great thing about being totally blind is that you can focus on conversations without being distracted by appearances or things going on around you.
One time I was having a perfectly lovely conversation with an alzheimer's resident at a nursing home where I worked.
I was outraged when nurses took him away in the midst of the conversation.
When I complained, I was amazed to learn that they had taken him away because he was totally naked.
Kim Kilpatrick
Storyteller, Presenter, Performer
Check out my web site and blog at
I am proud to be a MASC artist.
Check out MASC and my profile at
New blog about amazing things about being blind
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Great things about being blind: being awakened by the noisy snow plough
read braille without disturbing others
Listen to audio books without disturbing others
Get up and play the piano keyboard with headphones on without turning on lights and disturbing others
Use the computer with headphones on and no lights
I pondered this blog and listened to my audio book.
I listened to the dogs sleeping peacefully and did go back to sleep.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Great things about being blind. Experiencing the snow
Enjoy the snow everyone.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
listening to conversations
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Awesome things about being blind
Jan 1. One of the most awesome things about being totally blind is that you can have an amazing looking, beautifully behaved, intelligent dog with you at all times and in all locations.
In fact, when my dog isn't with me, I find myself talking to my cane or nothing as if she is there. They are real ice breakers. Nine times out of ten, the first thing said to me is what a beautiful dog I have.
January 2, One awesome thing about being totally blind and a braille reader is that you can read in all vehicles, in all light conditions or lack of them and you don't feel sick. The only thing that might inhibit the braille reading is if your hands become too cold.
January 3, One amazing thing about being totally blind is that when it is very cold, you can pull your hat down over your face, your scarf up and cover it completely. Unlike those sighted folks traveling the world, you don't need to see and can stay warmer.
January 4, while in classes or in a boring meeting at work or seminar, you can braille things unrleated to class or work and no one will ever know.
January 5, You can leave the lights off and save electricity. This means that you are environmentally conscious and since I don't drive either I am still more environmentally conscious. One time I forgot to turn the lights on and called my guide dog down the stairs. She didn't come at first and then ambled down very slowly. I thought she had hurt her legs until I remembered the lights. When I turned them on, she bounded down the stairs. Stay tuned each day for another amazing blindness thing.