Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Great things about being blind. Riding the bus.

yesterday, Tulia and I went to make a video for a web site for the organization I work with bringing artists into the schools. I am one of their artists. Videos won't be up until the new year but see the link to their web site at the bottom of this post. It occurred to me as I traveled there, how much technology has helped me on these journeys. I got on the bus. The bus gives audio announcements for each stop so I didn't have to ask the driver where to get off. I could just listen and ring the bell like everyone else does. I didn't have to worry about if the driver might forget my stop. While on the bus, I called the office to ask if someone could meet me at the bus stop or watch for me at least. when I got off, they came and met me as it was a bit tricky to find the office and I hadn't been there in a long time. It was a much smoother journey for all of us with my cell phone and the audible bus announcements.MASC bringing artists into schools

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