Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Walking in shoes for the first time outside in ages.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Upcoming Storytelling performance at the carlingwood library in Ottawa.
I am storytelling this friday March 1 at the Carlingwood library. in Ottawa from 2 to 3 PM. Address is 281 Woodroff.
I will be telling stories for adults. Autobiographical stories filled with interesting twists, insights, and humour. It is free to attend. The space holds about 40 people. They would prefer you to register. In order to register, you need a valid Ottawa library card which is free. Here is the registration link.
If this doesn't work for you and you want to come, let me know. My lovely guide dog Tulia will be there too of course!
Changes to the Electronic Access Agreement - Please Review

Changes to the Electronic Access Agreement - Please Review
We have recently updated the Electronic Access Agreement which governs youruse of RBC Royal Bank Online Banking. The changes come into effect on February 25,
2013. By signing in to RBC Royal Bank Online Banking before February 25, 2013,
you are agreeing to the revised terms and conditions of the Electronic
Access Agreement.
To review the Summary of Changes to the Electronic Access Agreement,
click the "Sign In" link below:
Sign In to Online Banking

Monday, February 25, 2013
Apps and products I use regularly.
Not in the dark.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
My mom and I tenacious to the core!
My mom has recently broken her dominant arm. I have spent a lot of time with her trying to help out with tasks. I've learned something! She is stubborn, tenacious and wants to keep going no matter what! And, so am I. I'm blind! Totally blind! No problem! Find a way to keep going! Do what I need to do. That is how my mom is with her arm too. She passed those traits on to me and they have really assisted me and assist me every day. When faced with a new task, a challenging new thing, people who don't think I can do things, I just keep trying, finding ways to adapt things, advocating for myself, explaining to others. I learned all of this from her. And now, she is finding ways to adapt to her temporary one armed status. Doing what she can, asking others to assist when she needs it, moving forward with no self pity and no excuses. Thanks mom! We sure are a stubborn pair! And both of my grans were stubborn ladies too!